About ULTRAMIX Pancake mix.ウルトラミックス パンケーキミックス って?

ウルトラミックス パンケーキミックスは、我が子の離乳食用にとキッチンで2006年に生まれました。多くのベビーの離乳食に、キッズのおやつに、家族の朝食・ブランチとして愛されています。200g1袋で8~9枚焼けるので3、4人でも、みんなお腹いっぱいになります!

ULTRAMIX pancake mix was invented in my kitchen in 2006 for my baby’s baby food. 200 grams per bag makes 8 to 9 pancakes, enough for 3 to 4 people! These pancakes are healthy because they contain no trans fats or aluminum!

ウルトラミックスが選ばれる理由 Why Choose Ultramix?


Pancakes are something you eat in heavy rotation, whether you feed them to infants or as weekend breakfast/brunch or pastry ingredients. That is why you want to pay attention to the ingredients. Are all pancake mixes the same, or are you just choosing one based on price? Why don’t you review the ingredients of the mixes you use to make cakes, muffins, and other baked goods, since you eat them over and over again?


ウルトラミックスの原材料は離乳食レベル ULTRAMIX ingredients are safe at baby food level


ULTRAMIX is a pancake mix that was created in the kitchen to address the concerns of commercial products after I weaned my own child from commercial pancake mix with vegetables and dry ingredients and no seasonings at all.

  1. 北海道産バターミルク配合 Contains buttermilk powder from Hokkaido
  2. アルミニウムフリー膨張剤使用 Contains aluminum-free baking power
  3. トランス脂肪酸フリー Trans fatty acid free
  4. 香料、着色料、保存料不使用 Fragrances, coloring materials, preservation materials are not used

冷めても美味しいパンケーキ Pancakes that taste great even when cold.



ULTRAMIX is moist and glutinous because it contains Hokkaido buttermilk. It is not difficult to eat without a drink, as is the case with ordinary pancakes. That is why they are loved by both babies and seniors.

Also, if you wrap the pancakes in plastic wrap and store them after removing the heat, the buttermilk flavor will be concentrated and the pancakes will taste even better. They even taste better when cooled. They can also be refrigerated. To eat, warm them in the microwave for about 30 seconds after defrosting them naturally.

北海道産バターミルク配合って?What does it mean that it contains Hokkaido buttermilk?



Buttermilk is a byproduct of butter production from raw milk, dried and powdered. In Europe and the United States, buttermilk is easily available in ordinary supermarkets because it adds richness and flavor when used in soups, sauces, and other dishes, and when added to baked goods, pancakes, and other confectionery ingredients, it produces a light and fluffy finish.

Compared to cow’s milk, it contains less fat and fewer calories, and its nutritional content is almost the same as cow’s milk. Ultramix contains a generous amount of Hokkaido buttermilk.

アルミニウムフリー膨張剤使用って? What does it mean to use aluminum-free baking powder?



Ultramix is made with an aluminum-free expander. So you don’t have to worry about feeding it to infants every day.

The baking powder in most pancake mixes contains aluminum. According to the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan, it has been recognized that rats exposed to large doses of aluminum can develop health problems. There are also reports that aluminum exceeds the intake limit for infants and may affect the nervous system. There are also reports that aluminum exceeds the intake limit for infants and may affect the nervous system, which is a cause for concern.

トランス脂肪酸フリーって? What does “trans fat free” mean?



Trans fatty acids were first regulated and banned in the United States in 2015. Trans fatty acids, which are formed during the processing and production of fats and oils, are found in most margarines and common shortenings, and there is growing concern about the negative health effects of excessive consumption.

ULTRAMIX uses trans fatty acid-free shortening, which is processed at high temperatures using the pressing process without chemical solvents and without hydrogenation.

香料、着色料、保存料不使用 Fragrances, coloring materials, preservation materials are not used.


ULTRAMIX contains no flavors, colors, or preservatives. It also contains as little sugar as possible, so you can taste the natural flavor of the wheat. Because it was created for baby food, the sugar and salt content is kept to a minimum, and the recipe for the formula was created through repeated tastings to ensure that the pancakes taste best when served as they are, without any additional ingredients.